economics of coffee blends

Understanding the economics of coffee blends

As blends continue to rise in popularity in the specialty coffee sector, Jenna Gottlieb speaks with Origin’s head of coffee, Freda Yuan, and 2017 WBC Champion, Dale Harris, about their cost-saving benefits.
pete licata

Pete Licata: “Having a family has changed the risks I’m willing to take”

Benedict Smith chats with 2013 World Barista Champion and coffee consultant, Pete Licata, about automation, Australian coffee culture, and the importance of finally settling down.
espresso culture in japan

Is Japan starting to embrace an espresso culture?

Certified Q grader and representative of Single O Japan, Yu Yamamoto, speaks to Matt Haw about Japanese coffee shop culture and its widespread adoption of espresso.
staff shortages

The Great Resignation: How staff shortages are affecting coffee businesses

Brand and marketing director Graham Hadaway speaks with Jenna Gottlieb about how HoReCa businesses – including coffee shops – have battled with staff shortages and what can be done to remedy ongoing issues.
barista competitions

Why are barista competitions so popular in the US?

Melchior Antoine speaks with barista championship judge Patrick O’Malley about how American coffee professionals fell in love with competitions.
mineral content of water for coffee

How does the mineral content of water affect espresso?

Imogen Rose Phillips speaks with Water for Coffee author, Maxwell Colonna-Dashwood, and national sales manager at BWT, William Hinton, to analyse the relationship between water’s mineral content and the quality of espresso.
paper filters for espresso

Paper filters for espresso: Are they really necessary?

Benedict Smith speaks with coffee expert Denis Sabou to find out more about why adding a paper filter to your portafilter basket could be the key to a better cup of coffee.
environmentally friendly espresso machine

Have espresso machines become more environmentally friendly?

As climate change hits coffee yields, a small number of espresso machine manufacturers are helping cut emissions on the consumer side. Jess Palmer speaks with Carimali’s marketing manager, Roberto Gregis, to find out how.
freshness of coffee in hoppers

How to maintain the freshness of coffee in hoppers

Leaving beans overnight in hoppers is a pet peeve for many in the specialty coffee industry. World Champion Barista Hidenori Izaki explains why maintaining their freshness is vital.
female coffee producer

The indispensable role of women in coffee

From pickers and producers to baristas and roasters, women contribute to every stage of the coffee supply chain. Jenna Gottlieb speaks with Lucia Bawot and Nicole Battefeld-Montgomery to understand their crucial role in the industry.