Winning a barista championship is just the beginning

South African Barista Champion, Winston Thomas, talks about life after the lights go down on the competition stage, and how winning a barista championship is just the beginning.
world barista championship judges

What would a revamped World Barista Championship look like?

The World Barista Championship has played an instrumental role in the coffee industry for over two decades. Matt Haw speaks with Jay Caragay to find out why it’s time for a revamp.
specialty coffee in south korea

A barista champion’s guide to specialty coffee in South Korea

Matt Haw interviews 2021 World Cup Tasters Champion, Kyoungha Charlie Chu, to reveal South Korea’s evolving coffee culture and the role of ambitious, young baristas like himself.
world barista championship

Rare vs. specialty coffee: Has the World Barista Championship blurred the lines?

Jenna Gottlieb draws on the experience of two coffee experts to understand the difference between rare and specialty coffee – and how the barista competitions may be muddying the waters.
world barista championship

Is the World Barista Championship too expensive?

Barista trainer and 2021 WBC finalist, Wojciech Tysler, speaks to Imogen Rose Phillips about the cost of competing at the prestigious event and how it can impact participation.
steaming plant-based milks

A barista champion’s guide to steaming plant-based milks

Anay Mridul speaks with 2018 UK Barista Champion, Josh Tarlo, about the popularity of plant-based milks and how baristas should be steaming them.
world barista champions

Why do World Barista Champions never defend their titles?

Since the WBC’s inception in 2000, not a single champion has defended their title. Jenna Gottlieb speaks with 2009’s winner, Gwilym Davies, to find out why.
nicole battefeld montgomery

A barista champion’s guide to cleaning your home espresso machine

2022 German Brewers Cup Champion, Nicole Battefeld-Montgomery, outlines the value and necessity of properly caring for and maintaining your espresso machine.

How to pull the perfect shot of espresso

Pulling the perfect shot of espresso is something most baristas are chasing. Jack Simpson tells us his approach.

Do refractometers have a place in coffee shops?

Refractometers are useful for understanding more about extraction and achieving better consistency – so why don't we see them in coffee shops?