Along with SCA and Barista Hustle certifications in coffee sensory analysis, brewing, and equipment, Yker has more than ten years of working experience in business innovation and change. He has written for New Ground since 2022, focusing on the intersection of coffee, technology, and business.
Yker Valerio speaks to the owners of Bean Theory Coffee, a specialty coffee shop in Thane, India, about the impact a menu can have on a coffee shop’s success.
During the pandemic, high-quality coffee capsules were all the rage. Now that things have settled, vice president of Coffee Enterprises, Spencer Turer, predicts where the market will go.
Yker Valerio speaks to Mauricio Pérez, producer relations manager at Coffee Exchange, to understand how delivery apps are transforming Asia’s coffee industry.
Ditta Artigianale co-founder, Francesco Sanapo, and His Majesty Coffee owner, Paolo Scimone, discuss how Italian coffee bars can help justify the rising price of espresso.
Yker Valerio speaks with Professor Chahan Yeretzian of the ZHAW Coffee Excellence Center about the importance of reducing energy consumption in modern-day coffee shops.